3,835+ students have used BGE to start, grow, and scale their blogs.

We've been teaching people how to build successful blogs using nothing but their laptop and a custom website they manage all by themselves. Our course curriculum, coaching, and community will help you build a blog and give you the best path to build multiple revenue streams into your life: from affiliate marketing and ads, to consulting and sponsorships.

Our goal is simple: to provide the best blogging education and coaching on the planet and help you succeed.

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Blog Growth Engine Student Reviews

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Results Disclaimer

*The results you see on this page are not typical, Adam Enfroy and his students are hard working marketers. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, work ethic, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.

After 7 years of trying and not getting anywhere... I finally found Blog Growth Engine. And now after going through the course and talking to the coaches, I'm able to make a consistent income from blogging. 

Paul Aroloye, paularoloye.com

$5,000+/month blogger

Joining Blog Growth Engine changed my life and my life is completely different. I put in the work and now I'm getting the rewards. *Eddy is now our BGE head coach and is employed by BGE.

Eddy Ballasteros, eddyballe.com

$12,000+/month blogger

I had taken a few courses before BGE, but we hadn't made any money or even put together much of a site. We took it all one step at a time. We started our blog in March 2022 and over a year later, we're making over $15k/month. We've been doing the work every single day. Results all come down to being consistent and putting in the effort.

Christina C.

$15,000+/month blogger

I've been trying to make money online for the last 7 years and this is the first time I understand the clear path to build a real blogging business. *Marcos is now the BGE DM coach and is employed by BGE.

Marcos Isaias, misaias.com

$6,000+/month blogger

I started a fitness website to work on in my spare time and I got nowhere for 9 months. That's when I found BGE. Once enrolled, I started going through the modules and realized where I was messing up. Today I earn over $5k/month and it's just growing and growing. 

Rob Wagener, fizznessshizzness.com

$5,000+/month blogger

After launching my site, I started earning a profit from consulting. After 9 months, I quit my job and went all-in on my blogging business. This isn't typical as I was hustling for consulting clients - but that's what it takes - hard work and determination. *Jessica is now our link building and consulting coach and employed by BGE.

Jessica La, byjessicala.com

$10,000+/month blogger

I've been blogging since 2012, but never really made money until now. Last year, I discovered Adam's blog and it changed everything. The coaching is really top notch and covers so much of the little details it takes to grow a personal brand.

Samantha North, digitalemigre.com

$10,000+/month blogger

After watching Adam's YouTube videos, I decided to join BGE. A full year and a lot of work later, I've exceeded my initial financial goals I had for the site. Today, most of my site's income is from blog sponsorships. I wouldn't be where I'm at right now if it weren't for Blog Growth Engine and the supportive community.

Dave Williams, whitewater rafting guide

outdoor niche blogger

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I've been blogging for several years and have bought tons of courses. I was curious to see what Adam was doing, so I bought BGE and started implementing Adam's strategies. Thanks to the course, I've been able to scale my publishing and backlinks. Before BGE, my site was averaging around $2k per month, but after implementing the strategies, I've had a few months where I've done over $10k per month in affiliate commissions.

Ilir Salihi, incomeinsider.org

$10,000+/month blogger

I wasn't totally sure about how to build a website, but after BGE, I've published over 75 articles and traffic and revenue keep going up.

Samantha Brandon, samanthabrandon.com

$7,000+/month blogger

With BGE, I realized I had to pivot my initial strategy of writing in Finnish to writing in English to attract a larger audience. Since following Adam's advice, my traffic and revenue have doubled, and I'm making more money with my business than I am in my 9-5 job.

Jussi Hyvarinen, jussihyvarinen.com

$10,000+/month blogger

I always wanted to create an affiliate website. So I went out and found the top three courses. The first two courses worked, but they only helped me earn a few bucks per month. However with BGE, I was able to get to make more with the same time and effort as the other courses. 

Marcelo Beilin, besttech2earnonline.com

$4,000+/month blogger

I run a popular affiliate marketing blog and have for several years. I've done pretty well for myself, and then I found BGE. I was one of Adam's first students, and I executed every strategy and tactic he gave us. Since then, my website was recently evaluated for $250k on Empire Flippers.

Sam Rexford, chillreptile.com

$10,000+/month blogger

Before BGE , I couldn't figure out how to get more traffic or monetize the traffic I had. After 6 months, my site grew to 40,000 page views.

Jo Barnes, yourlifestylebusiness.com

$4,000+/month blogger

And here's even more case studies:

I'm a doctor of audiology and I joined BGE because I wanted to build something outside of my job that could eventually replace my income and give me opportunities outside of my 9-5. I've grown my website tremendously after learning how to sell my services based on everything I learned in BGE.

Amy Sarow, audiologist @ amysarow.com

$10,000+/month blogger

I didn't have much experience with blogging at all, but I implemented the course, and I just had my first 10k visitors to my blog and it's going up consistently.

Peter Hoopis, peterhoopis.com

$2,500+/month blogger

After 3 years of blogging and doing everything wrong, I had barely made any money and was struggling to get traffic. After joining BGE, and implementing everything in the course, I've tripled my traffic in Google. The biggest value of BGE has been the coaching and community to keep me accountable.

Katie Restrepo, familytravelfolio.com

family and travel blogger

After going through BGE, I wiped my old website clean from all the content I had and completely changed my approach to blogging. Now I'm ranking for terms that I never through possible, and have started consulting others to help them build their websites and rank high in Google. BGE is super comprehensive and no stone is left unturned.

Teri Ambrose, teriambrose.com

digital marketing blogger

I've managed to get my site up to 40,000 visitors per month with BGE. *Chris is now our BGE strategy coach and employed by BGE.

Chris Starkhagen, chrisstarkhagen.com

$10,000+/month blogger

Before BGE, I was very aware of building websites and making affiliate income as I've worked in IT for most of my career. Before BGE, I was already making some ad revenue from my YouTube channel and Udemy courses. But BGE helped me map out a clearly-laid out plan for me to grow my websites that allowed me to build up my traffic.

Ben Lovegrove, benlovegrove.com

aviation blogger

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What would it feel like to take the power back into your own hands and build a real online business for yourself? What would you do? Who would you be?

However you design your life is up to you, but we can help you get there.

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Income Growth Engine LLC and BGE Elite LLC are education and training companies. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not promise financial success, as individual results vary based on skill, experience, motivation, work ethic, as well as other unforeseen factors.
